From The Ground Up is a podcast and newsletter that covers campaigns, actions and events of Toronto’s left community as well as world events from a local perspective. It also features ideas and debates from community organizers, activists, writers and academics. Email:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What is the future of unions?

The Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) and the Canadian Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) are discussing a possible merger. In January, they released a discussion paper called A Moment of Truth for Canadian Unions which details the current troubling state of unions in Canada.

They worry that the declining union movement in Canada will mirror that of the US where union membership is 7% in the private sector. In Canada it is about 17.4%. The paper calls for a new kind of Canadian unionism that can confront globalization, aggressive employers and an unsympathetic public and it also lays out why a bigger union is better.

I interviewed David Camfield, author of Canadian Labour in Crisis; Stephanie Ross, Assistant Professor and Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Work and Society at York University; and Winnie Ng, CAW-Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University to get their views on the discussion paper and a union renewal strategy.

The interviews are divided into three posts below.

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